
Ateliers Meaning in Nepali

Ateliers, अटेलियर्स, कार्यशाला, कला कार्यशाला, शिल्प कार्यशाला

Nearby Words

– Workshop (noun) – कार्यशाला

– Studio (noun) – स्टूडियो

– Artisan (noun) – कलाकार

– Craftsmanship (noun) – शिल्पकला

– Factory (noun) – कारख़ाना

Part of Speech: Ateliers is a noun.

Pronunciation: ateliers (ah-tuh-lyeyz)

Ateliers Synonyms

– Workshops (noun) – कार्यशालाहरू

– Studios (noun) – स्टूडियोहरू

– Artisans (noun) – कलाकारहरू

– Craftsmanships (noun) – शिल्पकलाहरू

– Factories (noun) – कारख़ानाहरू

Ateliers are places where artists, craftsmen, or artisans work. These workshops or studios are dedicated spaces for creative individuals to practice their craft and create art. The term “ateliers” originated from the French language and has been adopted in various cultures around the world.


– Dismantle (verb) – खण्डन गर्नु

– Destroy (verb) – नष्ट गर्नु

– Demolish (verb) – ध्वस्त गर्नु

– Ruin (verb) – नष्ट गर्नु

– Break (verb) – तोड्नु

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