at variance

At Variance Meaning in Nepali: भिन्नता, असमानता, विरोध, विपरीतता

Nearby Words:

Noun: भिन्नता (difference), असमानता (inequality), विरोध (opposition), विपरीतता (contradiction)

Adjective: भिन्न (different), विपरीत (opposite)

Part of Speech:

At variance is an idiomatic phrase used as an adjective.


(at vair-ee-uhns)

At Variance Synonyms:

1. Disagreement – असहमति

2. Conflict – संघर्ष

3. Contradiction – विरोध

4. Dissension – विवाद

5. Discord – अनुबंध

6. Dispute – विवाद

Description and Origination:

The phrase “at variance” refers to a state of disagreement or opposition. It is commonly used to describe a situation where two or more parties have conflicting opinions, ideas, or beliefs. The phrase originated from the Latin word “varius,” meaning diverse or different. In Nepali, it can be translated as भिन्नता, असमानता, विरोध, or विपरीतता.


1. Agreement – सहमति

2. Harmony – मेलमिलाप

3. Consensus – समझौता

4. Accord – समझौता

5. Unity – एकता

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