
Anagram Meaning in Nepali: अनुक्रमित शब्दहरू, शब्दावली, शब्दसमूह

Nearby Words:

  • Noun: शब्दावली (vocabulary), शब्दसमूह (word group)
  • Verb: अनुक्रमण गर्नु (to arrange in order), शब्दहरूलाई अर्को रूपमा लेख्नु (to write words in another form)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˈænəˌɡræm/ (AN-uh-gram)

Anagram Synonyms:

  • Wordplay (शब्दक्रीडा)
  • Reordering (अनुक्रमण)
  • Transposition (अक्षरान्तरण)
  • Permutation (विन्यास)
  • Shuffle (मिसाउनु)
  • Rearrangement (पुनर्व्यवस्थापन)

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. It is a type of wordplay that involves creating new words or phrases by rearranging the letters. In Nepali, an anagram is known as “अनुक्रमित शब्दहरू” or “शब्दसमूह”. Anagrams can be used as a fun and creative way to challenge the mind and improve vocabulary skills. They are often used in puzzles, games, and cryptography. Anagrams have been used for centuries and can be found in literature, poetry, and even in names of places and people.


  • Original (मूल)
  • Unscrambled (अनुक्रमण गरिएको)

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