at full speed

At Full Speed Meaning in Nepali: फुल गति, पूर्ण गति, पूर्ण गतिमा, ठूलो गतिमा

Nearby Words:

Noun: Speed (गति), Velocity (वेग), Momentum (गतिशक्ति)

Adjective: Fast (छिटो), Rapid (तीव्र), Quick (द्रुत)

Adverb: Swiftly (छिटो), Rapidly (तीव्रताले), Quickly (द्रुतताले)

Part of Speech:

At full speed is an adverb phrase.


(at full speed) [at fool speed]

Synonyms of At Full Speed:

1. Rapidly (तीव्रताले)

2. Swiftly (छिटो)

3. Quickly (द्रुतताले)

4. Hastily (जलदी)

5. Briskly (फेरी)

6. Expeditiously (शीघ्रताले)

Description and Origination:

The phrase “at full speed” refers to performing an action or moving with maximum velocity or intensity. It originated from the concept of operating machinery or vehicles at their highest possible speed. In Nepali, it can be translated into various phrases such as फुल गति, पूर्ण गति, पूर्ण गतिमा, or ठूलो गतिमा. This phrase is commonly used to describe situations where something is happening quickly or efficiently.


1. Slowly (धीरै)

2. Gradually (तहतहात)

3. Leisurely (आरामै)

4. Steadily (स्थिरताले)

5. Deliberately (जानबूझकर)

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