at a high speed

At a High Speed Meaning in Nepali

When it comes to understanding the meaning of “at a high speed” in Nepali, there are several translations available. Some of the Nepali meanings of this phrase include उच्च गति, उच्च द्रुति, उच्च गतिमा, and उच्च गतिसंख्या. These translations highlight the concept of moving or operating quickly.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to “at a high speed” along with their parts of speech:

  • Speed (noun) – गति
  • High (adjective) – उच्च
  • Fast (adverb) – द्रुत
  • Quick (adjective) – छिटो
  • Rapid (adjective) – तीव्र

Part of Speech: The phrase “at a high speed” functions as an adverbial phrase.

(Pronunciation: [at uh hahy speed])

Synonyms of At a High Speed

Here are some synonyms of “at a high speed” in English along with their Nepali translations:

  • Rapidly – तीव्रताले
  • Swiftly – छिटोमा
  • Quickly – छिटो
  • Speedily – गतिमा
  • Briskly – तेजीले
  • Expeditiously – शीघ्रताले

Understanding the meaning of “at a high speed” in Nepali can help individuals communicate effectively when discussing fast-paced actions or movements. For further information, you can refer to,, or