atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric Pressure Meaning in Nepali: वातावरणीय दबाव, हवामानी दबाव, वायुमानी दबाव

Nearby Words:

Noun: वातावरणीय, हवामानी, वायुमानी

Adjective: दबाव, दबावयुक्त, दबावयुक्तको

Part of Speech:



(at-muh s-feer-ik presh-er)

Atmospheric Pressure Synonyms:

1. Air Pressure – हवामानी दबाव

2. Barometric Pressure – बारोमेट्रिक दबाव

3. Air Density – हवामानी घनत्व

4. Atmospheric Force – वातावरणीय बल

5. Atmospheric Weight – वातावरणीय भार

6. Air Resistance – हवामानी प्रतिरोध

Description and Origination:

Atmospheric pressure refers to the force exerted by the weight of the Earth’s atmosphere on a given area. It is the pressure caused by the weight of the air above a particular point. This pressure is essential for various weather phenomena and plays a crucial role in determining climate patterns. Atmospheric pressure is measured using a barometer and is influenced by factors such as altitude, temperature, and weather conditions. Understanding atmospheric pressure is vital for predicting weather changes and studying atmospheric phenomena. The concept of atmospheric pressure originated from the observations and experiments conducted by scientists like Evangelista Torricelli and Blaise Pascal in the 17th century.


1. Low Pressure – निम्न दबाव

2. Vacuum – शून्यता

3. Negative Pressure – नकारात्मक दबाव

4. Depressurization – दबावमुक्ति

5. Decompression – दबावमुक्ति

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