
Asceticism Meaning in Nepali: तपस्या, तपस्वीता, तपस्यात्मकता

Nearby Words:

Noun: Ascendancy (अधिपत्य), Ascendant (अधिपति), Ascendence (अधिपत्य), Ascend (उच्चारण), Ascent (उच्चारण)

Adjective: Ascendant (अधिपति), Ascensive (उच्चारण)

Part of Speech:




Asceticism Synonyms:

1. Austerity – तपस्या

2. Self-denial – आत्मनिर्भरता

3. Abstinence – त्याग

4. Self-discipline – आत्मसंयम

5. Renunciation – त्याग

6. Self-mortification – आत्मदहन

Description and Origination of Asceticism:

Asceticism is a noun that refers to the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from worldly pleasures, often for religious or spiritual reasons. It originated from the Greek word “askēsis,” meaning “exercise” or “training.” Asceticism is commonly associated with various religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, where individuals voluntarily renounce material possessions and physical comforts to achieve spiritual enlightenment or liberation. It is a way of life that emphasizes simplicity, self-control, and detachment from worldly desires. Asceticism is often seen as a means to attain spiritual purity and transcendence.


1. Indulgence – आनन्द

2. Hedonism – भोगवाद

3. Pleasure-seeking – सुखकामी

4. Self-gratification – आत्मसंतोष

5. Materialism – भौतिकवाद

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