Autobiography Meaning in Nepali
Meanings in Nepali:
आत्मकथा, आत्मजीवनी, आत्मचरित्र, आत्मवृत्त, आत्मकथालेखन
Nearby Words:
Noun: आत्मकथा, आत्मजीवनी, आत्मचरित्र, आत्मवृत्त, आत्मकथालेखन
Part of Speech:
Autobiography Synonyms:
1. Memoir (स्मृतिचित्र)
2. Life Story (जीवनकथा)
3. Personal History (व्यक्तिगत इतिहास)
4. Self-narrative (स्वयं कथा)
5. Autology (आत्मविज्ञान)
6. Self-biography (स्वयं जीवनी)
Description and Origination:
An autobiography is a written account of a person’s life, written by that person themselves. It is a form of literature where individuals share their personal experiences, memories, and reflections. Autobiographies provide valuable insights into the author’s life, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of their journey, achievements, and challenges. The term “autobiography” originated from the Greek words “autos” meaning “self” and “bios” meaning “life.” Autobiographies can be inspirational, educational, or simply a way for individuals to preserve their legacy.
1. Fiction (कथाकाव्य)
2. Novel (नाटक)
3. Imaginary (काल्पनिक)
4. Fable (प्रेरणादायक कथा)
5. Myth (पौराणिक कथा)
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