as before

As Before Meaning in Nepali: अघि जस्तै, अघि जस्तो, अघि जस्तै भएर, अघि जस्तै भएको, अघि जस्तै भएको छ, अघि जस्तै भएको छैन, अघि जस्तै भएको छैन।

Nearby Words:

Adjective: Similar (समान), Alike (समान), Identical (एकरूप), Same (एकै), Equal (समान)

Adverb: Likewise (पनि), Similarly (पनि), Equally (समान रूपमा), Correspondingly (यसरी), Analogously (यसरी)

Part of Speech of As Before:


Pronunciation of As Before:

(as bɪˈfɔr)

As Before Synonyms:

1. Similarly – यसरी

2. Likewise – पनि

3. Equally – समान रूपमा

4. Correspondingly – यसरी

5. Analogously – यसरी

Description and Origination of As Before: The phrase “as before” is used to indicate that something is happening or being done in the same way as it was done previously. It is often used to refer to a repeated action or a situation that has not changed. The phrase originated from the English language and is commonly used in both spoken and written communication.


1. Different – अलग

2. Unlikely – असंभावित

3. Differently – अर्को रूपमा

4. Contrarily – उल्टो

5. Uncommonly – असाधारण रूपमा

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