as a matter of fact

As a Matter of Fact Meaning in Nepali: वास्तवमा, यथार्थमा, वास्तविकतामा, वास्तविक रूपमा

Nearby Words:

1. As a result (Conjunction): नतिजाको रूपमा

2. As a rule (Phrase): नियमको रूपमा

3. As a whole (Phrase): सम्पूर्णतया

4. As a matter of course (Phrase): स्वाभाविक रूपमा

5. As a consequence (Phrase): परिणामको रूपमा

Part of Speech of As a Matter of Fact:

As a matter of fact is an adverbial phrase.

Pronunciation of As a Matter of Fact:

(as uh math-er uhv fakt)

As a Matter of Fact Synonyms:

1. Actually (वास्तवमा)

2. In fact (वास्तवमा)

3. Indeed (सत्यमा)

4. Truly (वास्तवमा)

5. Really (वास्तवमा)

6. In reality (वास्तवमा)

Description and Origination of As a Matter of Fact:

As a matter of fact is an English phrase used to introduce a statement that is true or correct. It is often used to provide additional information or clarify a point. The phrase originated in the late 16th century and has been commonly used in both spoken and written English since then.


1. Inaccurately (अशुद्धतापूर्वक)

2. Falsely (असत्य रूपमा)

3. Incorrectly (गलत रूपमा)

4. Untruthfully (असत्य रूपमा)

5. Fictionally (कल्पनामा)

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