Articulates Meaning in Nepali
In Nepali, the word “articulates” can have several meanings. Some of the meanings include: व्यक्त गर्नु (to express), व्याख्या गर्नु (to explain), स्पष्ट गर्नु (to clarify), व्याख्यान गर्नु (to articulate), and वक्तव्य गर्नु (to speak).
Nearby Words
Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:
1. Articulate (verb) – व्यक्त गर्नु
2. Articulation (noun) – व्याख्या
3. Articulated (adjective) – स्पष्ट
4. Articulately (adverb) – व्याख्यान गर्नु
5. Articulatory (adjective) – वक्तव्य
Part of Speech: The word “articulates” is a verb.
Pronunciation: (ahr-tik-yuh-leyts)
Articulates Synonyms
Here are some synonyms of “articulates” in English along with their Nepali translations:
1. Express (व्यक्त गर्नु)
2. Explain (व्याख्या गर्नु)
3. Clarify (स्पष्ट गर्नु)
4. Vocalize (व्याख्यान गर्नु)
5. Utter (वक्तव्य गर्नु)
Origination and Description
The word “articulates” originates from the Latin word “articulatus,” which means “to divide into joints.” In English, it refers to the act of expressing or explaining something clearly and coherently. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as public speaking, writing, and communication.
Some antonyms of “articulates” in English with their Nepali translations include:
1. Mumble (गुँग्रुनु)
2. Stumble (चढ्न चढ्नु)
3. Incoherent (अस्पष्ट)
4. Confuse (भ्रमित गर्नु)
5. Miscommunicate (गल्ती गर्नु)
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