
Archaeology Meaning in Nepali: ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन, पुरातत्वशास्त्र, पुरातत्वविद्या

Nearby Words:

Noun: ऐतिहासिकता (Historicity), ऐतिहासिक अवधारणा (Historical concept), ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन (Historical study), पुरातत्वशास्त्र (Archaeology), पुरातत्वविद्या (Archaeology)

Adjective: ऐतिहासिक (Historical)

Part of Speech of Archaeology:


Pronunciation of Archaeology:


Archaeology Synonyms:

1. Antiquity (प्राचीनता)

2. Excavation (उत्खनन)

3. Anthropology (मानवशास्त्र)

4. Paleontology (पुरातत्वशास्त्र)

5. History (इतिहास)

6. Ethnology (नृजातिशास्त्र)

Description and Origination of Archaeology:

Archaeology, also known as पुरातत्वशास्त्र in Nepali, is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of artifacts and structures. It involves the analysis of material remains to understand past cultures and societies. Archaeology originated in the 19th century and has since played a crucial role in uncovering and interpreting the past. It provides valuable insights into the development of civilizations, technological advancements, and cultural practices. By studying archaeological findings, researchers can reconstruct ancient societies and gain a deeper understanding of human evolution.


1. Modernity (आधुनिकता)

2. Contemporary (समकालीन)

3. Present (वर्तमान)

4. Future (भविष्य)

5. Novelty (नवीनता)

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