
Amirates Meaning in Nepali

Amirates is a term that does not have a specific meaning in Nepali. It is not a word commonly used in the Nepali language.

Nearby Words

  • Nepali Word: अमिरात (Amiraat), Part of Speech: Noun, Meaning: Emirate
  • Nepali Word: अमिराती (Amiraati), Part of Speech: Adjective, Meaning: Related to emirates
  • Nepali Word: अमिराती (Amiraati), Part of Speech: Noun, Meaning: A person from the emirates

Part of Speech

Amirates is not a recognized part of speech in Nepali.


(Amirates) [uh-mir-its]

Amirates Synonyms

  • Synonym: Emirate, Nepali Translation: अमिरात (Amiraat)
  • Synonym: Principality, Nepali Translation: राज्य (Rajya)
  • Synonym: Territory, Nepali Translation: क्षेत्र (Kshetra)
  • Synonym: State, Nepali Translation: राज्य (Rajya)
  • Synonym: Province, Nepali Translation: प्रदेश (Pradesh)

Amirates meaning in Nepali is not applicable as it is not a commonly used term in the Nepali language.


There are no specific antonyms for the term amirates in Nepali.

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:

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