
Amaranth Meaning in Nepali

Amaranth, also known as “Ramdana” or “Rajgira” in Nepali, has several meanings:

  1. अमरन्थ: A type of plant with vibrant flowers and edible seeds.
  2. रामदाना: The seeds of the amaranth plant, used as a grain in cooking.
  3. राजगिरा: Another name for amaranth seeds, commonly used in religious rituals and festivals.

Nearby Words

  • अमरन्थको बीउ: Noun, meaning “seeds of amaranth.”
  • अमरन्थको फूल: Noun, meaning “flowers of amaranth.”
  • अमरन्थको तेल: Noun, meaning “oil extracted from amaranth seeds.”

Amaranth Synonyms

  • अमरन्थको बीउ: “Seeds of amaranth.”
  • रामदाना: “Ramdana.”
  • राजगिरा: “Rajgira.”
  • चौलाई: “Chaulai.”
  • चौलाईको बीउ: “Seeds of chaulai.”

Description: Amaranth, or “Ramdana” in Nepali, refers to a plant with vibrant flowers and edible seeds. The seeds, known as “Rajgira” or “Ramdana,” are commonly used as a grain in cooking and are also an important ingredient in religious rituals and festivals. In Nepali cuisine, amaranth seeds are used to make various dishes, including porridge, sweets, and snacks. The plant is known for its nutritional value and is rich in protein, fiber, and minerals. Amaranth seeds are gluten-free and have gained popularity as a healthy alternative to wheat and other grains.



Part of Speech: Noun


There are no specific antonyms for the term “amaranth” in Nepali.

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