
Aspen Meaning in Nepali: एस्पेन, एस्पेन वृक्ष, एस्पेन रूख, एस्पेन वन (noun)

Nearby Words:

Noun: एस्पेन वृक्ष, एस्पेन रूख, एस्पेन वन

Adjective: एस्पेन वृक्षसम्बन्धी, एस्पेन रूखसम्बन्धी, एस्पेन वनसम्बन्धी

Part of Speech of Aspen:


Pronunciation of Aspen:


Aspen Synonyms:

1. Poplar – पोप्लर

2. Cottonwood – रूख

3. Trembling Tree – काँप्ने रूख

4. Quaking Aspen – काँप्ने एस्पेन

5. White Poplar – सेतो पोप्लर

6. Silver Poplar – चाँदी पोप्लर

Aspen is a noun that refers to a type of tree commonly found in Nepal. It is known as एस्पेन, एस्पेन वृक्ष, एस्पेन रूख, एस्पेन वन in Nepali. The word “aspen” is pronounced as (as-puhn). Some synonyms of aspen in English include poplar (पोप्लर), cottonwood (रूख), trembling tree (काँप्ने रूख), quaking aspen (काँप्ने एस्पेन), white poplar (सेतो पोप्लर), and silver poplar (चाँदी पोप्लर). For more information about aspen, you can visit,, or