

Meaning in Nepali:

एलो (alo), घृतकुमारी (ghritkumari)



Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Alone: (adverb) एक्लै (eklai)
  • Aloof: (adjective) उदासीन (udasīna)
  • Alopecia: (noun) खोप (khopa)


  • Agave
  • Century Plant
  • Medicine Plant
  • Burn Plant
  • Lily of the Desert



Aloe is a succulent plant species that originated in the Arabian Peninsula but is now cultivated worldwide. It is known for its thick, fleshy leaves that contain a gel-like substance with various medicinal properties. In Nepali, aloe is referred to as “एलो (alo)” or “घृतकुमारी (ghritkumari)”.

Aloe is primarily used in traditional medicine for its healing and soothing effects on the skin. It is commonly used to treat burns, wounds, and skin irritations. The gel extracted from the aloe leaves is also used in cosmetic products such as moisturizers, lotions, and shampoos.

Some synonyms for aloe include agave, century plant, medicine plant, burn plant, and lily of the desert. There are no specific antonyms for aloe in Nepali.

For more information about aloe, you can visit the following websites: