
Alkalescent Meaning in Nepali

Alkalescent (अल्कालीय) is a word in Nepali that has multiple meanings. It is an adjective that describes something as having an alkaline or basic nature. It can also refer to a substance that is slightly alkaline in nature.

Pronunciation: (al-kuh-les-uhnt)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Alkali (Noun) – अल्कली: A soluble salt derived from alkali metals.
  • Alkaline (Adjective) – अल्कलाईन: Having a pH greater than 7, indicating alkalinity.
  • Alkalinity (Noun) – अल्कलिनता: The quality or state of being alkaline.


  • Basic
  • Alkaline
  • Alkaline-forming
  • Non-acidic
  • Non-acid


The antonym of alkalescent in Nepali is “asidik” (असिडिक), which means acidic.

Learn More:

Alkalescent is a term used to describe something that has an alkaline or basic nature. It is often used in chemistry to refer to substances that have a pH greater than 7, indicating alkalinity. In Nepali, alkalescent is translated as “अल्कालीय” and is used to describe substances or solutions that are slightly alkaline. It is important to note that alkalescent is an adjective and can be used to modify nouns. For example, one could say “an alkalescent solution” to describe a slightly alkaline solution. The term is often used in scientific and technical contexts, particularly in the field of chemistry. Understanding the meaning of alkalescent can be helpful in various scientific and academic pursuits.