
Alights Meaning in Nepali

Alights (उतर्नु, उतर्नुहोस्) is a verb in Nepali that has multiple meanings. It can be translated as उतर्नु, उतर्नुहोस् in Nepali.

Pronunciation: (uh-lahyts)

Part of Speech: verb

Nearby Words:

  • Alight (verb) – उतर्नु, उतर्नुहोस्
  • Align (verb) – संरेखित गर्नु
  • Alimony (noun) – अलिमोनी
  • Alien (noun) – परदेशी
  • Alibi (noun) – अलिबी


  • Descend
  • Land
  • Touch down
  • Settle
  • Arrive


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

Alights is a verb that means to descend or get off from a vehicle or to come down from a higher position. It can also refer to landing or settling on a surface. The word is commonly used in the context of birds or insects landing on a branch or a flower. Synonyms for alights include descend, land, touch down, settle, and arrive. In Nepali, alights can be translated as उतर्नु or उतर्नुहोस्. Unfortunately, no direct antonyms were found in Nepali for this word. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, or

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