
Ajar Meaning in Nepali

Ajar meaning in Nepali: खुला, अनिश्चित, अविश्वसनीय

Pronunciation: (uh-jahr)

Part of Speech: adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Adjacent (adjective) – निकटस्थ, पासको
  • Ajar (adjective) – खुला, अनिश्चित, अविश्वसनीय
  • Alarm (noun) – खतरा, चेतावनी
  • Alert (adjective) – सतर्क, चेतावनीपूर्ण
  • Alien (noun) – परदेशी, विदेशी


  • Open
  • Uncertain
  • Unreliable
  • Unsteady
  • Unlocked


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Note: This article provides information about the word “ajar” in English and its meaning in Nepali. The Nepali meanings provided are approximate translations and may not capture the full meaning of the word.

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