
Adhesion: Meaning in Nepali

Adhesion (noun): अधिष्ठान, चिप्लाउने

Pronunciation: (uh-dhee-zhuhn)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adhesive (noun): चिप्लाउने वस्त्र, चिप्लाउने गोंद
  • Attach (verb): जोड्नु, लगाउनु
  • Bond (noun): बन्धन, जोड
  • Stick (verb): चिप्लाउनु, लगाउनु
  • Cohesion (noun): एकता, एकताले जोडिने


  • Stickiness
  • Cohesion
  • Attachment
  • Bonding
  • Union


Separation (अलगाउने)

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Adhesion refers to the act or state of sticking or adhering. In Nepali, it is translated as “अधिष्ठान” and “चिप्लाउने.” As a noun, adhesion represents the physical or molecular attraction between two substances, causing them to stick together. It can also refer to the attachment or bond between individuals or groups.

Some nearby words related to adhesion include “adhesive,” meaning a substance used for sticking or gluing, and “attach,” which means to join or fasten. Other related terms are “bond,” representing a connection or tie, and “stick,” which signifies the act of adhering or attaching. Additionally, “cohesion” is a noun that denotes unity or the act of joining together.

Synonyms for adhesion include “stickiness,” “cohesion,” “attachment,” “bonding,” and “union.” On the other hand, the antonym for adhesion is “separation” (अलगाउने).

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