

Meaning in Nepali: बीमा गणितज्ञ, बीमा गणितशास्त्री

Pronunciation: (ak-choo-er-ee)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Act: कार्य, कार्यविधि (noun)
  • Actor: अभिनेता, अभिनेत्री (noun)
  • Action: कार्य, क्रिया (noun)
  • Active: सक्रिय, सतर्क (adjective)
  • Activity: क्रियाकलाप, कार्य (noun)


  • Statistician
  • Risk analyst
  • Insurance mathematician
  • Financial forecaster
  • Probability expert

Antonyms: अबीमा गणितज्ञ (Unactuary)

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Actuary refers to a professional who uses mathematical and statistical methods to assess and manage risks in various industries, primarily in insurance and finance. In Nepali, the word “actuary” is translated as “बीमा गणितज्ञ” or “बीमा गणितशास्त्री.” Actuaries play a crucial role in analyzing data, calculating probabilities, and designing strategies to minimize potential losses. They provide valuable insights and recommendations to businesses and organizations to make informed decisions regarding risk management and financial planning. Actuaries are highly skilled in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. They work in diverse fields such as insurance companies, consulting firms, government agencies, and investment banks. Actuaries are known for their expertise in assessing and predicting future events, making them essential professionals in the modern world.

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