Active Partner
Meaning in Nepali: गतिशील साझेदार, सक्रिय सहकर्मी
Pronunciation: (ऐक्टिभ पार्टनर)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Active: (adj.) सक्रिय, प्रवृत्त, क्रियाशील
- Partner: (noun) साझेदार, सहकर्मी
- Collaborator: (noun) सहकर्मी, सहयोगी
- Associate: (noun) सहकर्मी, साथी
- Ally: (noun) सहयोगी, मित्र
- Active participant
- Engaged collaborator
- Dynamic associate
- Vigorous contributor
- Energetic team member
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Remember, an active partner refers to someone who actively participates, collaborates, and contributes in a partnership or team. They are engaged, dynamic, and play an essential role in achieving common goals.