
Adventured Meaning in Nepali

Adventured (एडभेन्चर्ड) is a word in Nepali language that has multiple meanings. It can be translated into Nepali as अभियान गर्नु, साहस गर्नु, or खोजी गर्नु.

Pronunciation: (ad-ven-cherd)

Part of Speech: Verb

Nearby Words:

  • Adventure (Noun) – अभियान, साहस
  • Adventurer (Noun) – खोजी, साहसी
  • Adventurous (Adjective) – साहसिक, अभियानी


  • Explore (अन्वेषण गर्नु)
  • Venture (व्यापार गर्नु)
  • Embark (सुरु गर्नु)
  • Roam (भ्रमण गर्नु)
  • Travel (यात्रा गर्नु)


The antonym of adventured in Nepali is अभियान नगर्नु.

Adventured is a verb that signifies engaging in an exciting or daring activity. It can also refer to embarking on a journey or exploring new territories. The word is often associated with taking risks and seeking thrilling experiences. In Nepali, adventured can be translated as अभियान गर्नु, साहस गर्नु, or खोजी गर्नु.

Some nearby words related to adventured include adventure (अभियान, साहस), adventurer (खोजी, साहसी), and adventurous (साहसिक, अभियानी). These words are commonly used to describe individuals who enjoy exploring and taking risks.

Synonyms of adventured include explore (अन्वेषण गर्नु), venture (व्यापार गर्नु), embark (सुरु गर्नु), roam (भ्रमण गर्नु), and travel (यात्रा गर्नु). These words can be used interchangeably with adventured in various contexts.

The antonym of adventured in Nepali is अभियान नगर्नु, which means to refrain from engaging in adventurous activities.

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