
Absorbability Meaning in Nepali

Absorbability, in Nepali, can be translated as:

  1. सोझोत्ता (sojotta)
  2. सोझोगत्ता (sojhogatta)

Pronunciation: (uhb-sawrb-uh-bil-i-tee)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Absorb (verb) – शोषण गर्नु, सोझ्नु
  • 2. Absorbent (adjective) – शोषक, सोझोगर्ने
  • 3. Absorbed (adjective) – शोषित, सोझिएको


  • 1. Assimilability
  • 2. Permeability
  • 3. Penetrability
  • 4. Imbibition
  • 5. Ingestibility


The antonym of absorbability in Nepali is अशोष्यता (ashoshyata).

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Remember, absorbability refers to the quality or state of being able to be absorbed or soaked up. It is often used in the context of substances or materials that can absorb liquids or other substances.