able of making evil

Able of Making Evil

Pronunciation: (ey-buhl uhv mey-king ee-vuhl)


Nearby words:

  • Abandon (त्याग गर्नु)
  • Abate (कम गर्नु)
  • Abduct (अपहरण गर्नु)
  • Abhor (घृणा गर्नु)
  • Abject (निराशाजनक)
  • Ablaze (जल्दीमा)
  • Able (सक्षम)
  • Abnormal (असामान्य)


  • Wicked (नराम्र)
  • Malevolent (अनिष्टकारी)
  • Malicious (द्रोही)
  • Diabolical (शैतानी)
  • Evil-minded (दुष्ट मनवान)


  • Good (राम्रो)
  • Virtuous (धार्मिक)
  • Benevolent (कृपालु)
  • Kind (दयालु)
  • Altruistic (अन्यायरहित)

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Evil is an adjective that describes someone or something capable of causing harm, suffering, or misfortune. It is pronounced as “ey-buhl uhv mey-king ee-vuhl”. In Nepali, it can be translated as “नराम्र”, “अनिष्टकारी”, or “द्रोही”.

Some nearby words to evil include abandon, abate, abduct, abhor, abject, ablaze, able, and abnormal. These words have different meanings but are related to the concept of evil in various ways.

Synonyms for evil include wicked, malevolent, malicious, diabolical, and evil-minded. These words can be used interchangeably to describe someone or something with harmful intentions or actions.

Antonyms of evil include good, virtuous, benevolent, kind, and altruistic. These words represent the opposite qualities of evil and describe individuals or things that promote well-being and positivity.

For further information on the word evil, you can refer to,, or