

Pronunciation: (uh-bahy-ding)

Part of Speech: adjective

Abiding is an adjective that describes something that is enduring, lasting, or continuing without change. It is derived from the verb “abide,” which means to remain or stay.

Nearby Words:

  • Abide (बस्नु): to stay or remain in a particular place
  • Abidance (पालन गर्नु): the act of obeying or following
  • Abider (बास्नेको व्यक्ति): a person who remains or stays
  • Abiogenesis (जीवन उत्पन्नी): the theory that life can arise from non-living matter
  • Ability (क्षमता): the power or skill to do something
  • Able (सक्षम): having the skill or capability to do something
  • Abloom (फूल्नु): in bloom or flowering
  • Abnormal (असामान्य): deviating from what is considered normal

Abiding Synonyms:

  • Enduring
  • Lasting
  • Perpetual
  • Constant
  • Unchanging
  • Steadfast
  • Immutable
  • Unwavering

Abiding Antonyms:

  • Temporary (अस्थायी)
  • Fleeting (अल्पकालिक)
  • Transient (अस्थायी)
  • Ephemeral (अल्पकालिक)

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