
Aureate Meaning in Nepali: बहुमूल्य, सुनिलो, सुनिला, सुनिला, सुनिला, सुनिला

Nearby Words:

Noun: बहुमूल्यता, सुनिलता

Adjective: सुनिलो, सुनिला

Part of Speech:




Aureate Synonyms:

1. Golden – सुनिला

2. Gilded – सुनिला

3. Resplendent – चम्किला

4. Shining – चम्किला

5. Radiant – चम्किला

6. Glowing – चम्किला

Aureate is an adjective that means “golden” or “gilded.” It is derived from the Latin word “aureus,” which means “golden.” In Nepali, it can be translated as “सुनिलो” or “सुनिला.” The word is often used to describe something that is shining, resplendent, or radiant. It can be used to describe both literal and figurative things that have a golden or glowing quality. For example, a piece of jewelry made of gold can be described as aureate, as well as a beautiful sunset with golden hues. The word can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is highly valued or precious. It is often used in literature and poetry to create vivid and evocative descriptions. For more information and examples, you can refer to,, or

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