
Augury Meaning in Nepali: भविष्यवाणी, भविष्यद्वाणी, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने क्रिया, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने विधि

Nearby Words:

Noun: भविष्यवाणी, भविष्यद्वाणी, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने क्रिया, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने विधि

Part of Speech:




Augury Synonyms:

Nepali: भविष्यवाणी, भविष्यद्वाणी, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने क्रिया, भविष्यद्वारा जान्ने विधि

English: divination, prophecy, prediction, foretelling, soothsaying, fortune-telling

Description and Origination of Augury:

Augury is the practice of predicting the future or obtaining knowledge of the unknown through signs and omens. It has been a part of various ancient cultures and civilizations, including the Roman, Greek, and Egyptian civilizations. Augurs, who were skilled in interpreting these signs, played a significant role in decision-making and planning. Augury is still practiced in some cultures today, although it is often considered a form of superstition rather than a reliable method of divination.


English: certainty, knowledge, assurance, reality, truth

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