

Pronunciation: (uh-bom-uh-ney-tid)

Part of Speech: verb

Abominated is a verb that is used to describe a strong feeling of dislike or hatred towards something or someone. It is often associated with a deep sense of disgust or repulsion.

Nearby Words:

  • Abhorred – घृणा गरिनु
  • Detested – घृणा गरिनु
  • Loathed – घृणा गरिनु
  • Despised – घृणा गरिनु
  • Reviled – घृणा गरिनु
  • Execrated – घृणा गरिनु
  • Disgusted – घृणा गरिनु


  • Detest
  • Abhor
  • Despise
  • Loathe
  • Revile
  • Execrate
  • Disgust


  • Adore – माया गर्नु
  • Love – माया गर्नु
  • Cherish – माया गर्नु
  • Appreciate – माया गर्नु
  • Embrace – माया गर्नु

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