Meaning in Nepali: गर्भपातक, गर्भपात गर्ने व्यक्ति
Pronunciation: (uh-bawr-shuh-nist)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Abort: verb, गर्भपात गर्नु
- Abortion: noun, गर्भपात
- Abortive: adjective, असफल
- Terminator
- Aborter
- Abortician
- Abortist
- Abortioneer
No Nepali meaning found for antonyms.
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Abortionist refers to a person who performs abortions. In Nepali, it is translated as “गर्भपातक” or “गर्भपात गर्ने व्यक्ति.” The word is pronounced as “uh-bawr-shuh-nist” and is categorized as a noun.
Some nearby words related to abortionist include “abort” (गर्भपात गर्नु), “abortion” (गर्भपात), and “abortive” (असफल). These words are commonly used in discussions about abortion.
Synonyms for abortionist include “terminator,” “aborter,” “abortician,” “abortist,” and “abortioneer.” These words can be used interchangeably to refer to someone who performs abortions.
Unfortunately, no antonyms with Nepali meanings were found for the word abortionist.
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