All Affairs
Meaning in Nepali: सबै कार्य, सबै गतिविधि
Pronunciation: (all uh-fairz)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Allegation: आरोप (noun)
- Business: व्यापार (noun)
- Commitment: प्रतिबद्धता (noun)
- Engagement: सगाई (noun)
- Event: कार्यक्रम (noun)
- Everything
- Every matter
- Every concern
- Every issue
- Every event
Antonyms: निर्लक्ष्य, निर्लज्जता
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Note: This article provides information about the word “all affairs” in English. The Nepali translations, nearby words, synonyms, and antonyms are provided for reference purposes.