agreement to sell

Agreement to Sell

An agreement to sell is a legal contract between a buyer and a seller that outlines the terms and conditions of a future sale. It is a preliminary agreement that precedes the actual sale deed. This agreement sets out the obligations and rights of both parties involved in the transaction.

Meaning in Nepali:

बिक्रीको सम्झौता (bikrikō samjhaauta), बेच्ने सम्झौता (bēchnē samjhaauta)


(अग्रीमेन्ट टु सेल)

Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Contract (Noun) – समझौता, चुक्ति
  • Sale (Noun) – बिक्री, बेच्नु
  • Buyer (Noun) – खरिददार, बिक्रीमा लिने


  • Contract of Sale
  • Sales Agreement
  • Sale Contract
  • Purchase Agreement
  • Sell Agreement


No antonyms found in Nepali.

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