Meaning in Nepali: उत्तेजक, विद्रोही
Pronunciation: (uh-jey-terz)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Agitate: verb, उत्तेजित गर्नु
- Agitation: noun, उत्तेजना
- Agitprop: noun, विद्रोही विज्ञापन
- instigators
- provocateurs
- rabble-rousers
- troublemakers
- inciters
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Agitators, as nouns, refer to individuals who incite or promote unrest, dissent, or rebellion. In Nepali, they are known as “उत्तेजक” and “विद्रोही.” Agitators play a significant role in stirring up public opinion and mobilizing people for various causes. They often use persuasive tactics, such as speeches, protests, or propaganda, to influence others and bring about change. Some synonyms for agitators include instigators, provocateurs, rabble-rousers, troublemakers, and inciters. While there are no direct antonyms in Nepali, the opposite of an agitator would be someone who promotes peace and stability. To explore more about agitators, you can refer to,, or