

Meaning in Nepali: शोषण, लिनु, अवशोषण

Pronunciation: (अब्सोर्प्शन्स)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Absorb (verb) – शोषण गर्नु
  • 2. Absorbent (adjective) – शोषक
  • 3. Absorbing (adjective) – आकर्षक
  • 4. Absorbed (adjective) – शोषित
  • 5. Absorbency (noun) – शोषणता


  • 1. Assimilation (समावेश)
  • 2. Soaking up (शोषण)
  • 3. Engrossment (लिप्तता)
  • 4. Imbibition (पिउने)
  • 5. Incorporation (समावेशन)


छोड्नु (Leave), छोड्ने (Leaving)

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Absorptions refer to the process of soaking up or taking in something. It is a noun and can be pronounced as “अब्सोर्प्शन्स” in Nepali. Some nearby words related to absorptions include absorb, absorbent, absorbing, absorbed, and absorbency. Synonyms for absorptions include assimilation, soaking up, engrossment, imbibition, and incorporation. On the other hand, antonyms for absorptions are “छोड्नु” and “छोड्ने” in Nepali, which mean leave or leaving. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, and thefreedictionary.com.