
Adversary Meaning in Nepali

Part of Speech: Noun

Meanings in Nepali:

  1. विरोधी, दुश्मन
  2. प्रतिपक्षी

Pronunciation: [ad-ver-ser-ee]

Nearby Words

Word Part of Speech Nepali Meaning
Adversarial Adjective विरोधात्मक
Adversative Adjective प्रतिपक्षी
Adversity Noun अवस्था, दुःख, आपत्ति
Antagonist Noun प्रतिपक्षी, विरोधी
Enemy Noun शत्रु, दुश्मन

Synonyms of Adversary

  • Opponent
  • Enemy
  • Rival
  • Foe
  • Antagonist

Antonyms of Adversary

सहयोगी, मित्र

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Note: This article provides information about the word “adversary” in Nepali. The meanings, pronunciation, part of speech, nearby words, synonyms, and antonyms are provided to help readers understand the word better.

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