
Badnews Meaning in Urdu: برا خبریں

Badnews is an English word that is commonly used to refer to unpleasant or unfortunate information or events. In Urdu, the meaning of badnews is “برا خبریں”. It is a compound word consisting of “برا” which means bad or negative, and “خبریں” which means news.

Synonyms of Badnews:

  • Unfortunate news – بدقسمت خبریں
  • Negative information – منفی معلومات
  • Gloomy tidings – افسردہ خبریں
  • Distressing updates – پریشان کن تازہ ترین

Badnews Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of badnews is [bad-nooz] in English.


  • Good news – اچھی خبریں
  • Positive information – مثبت معلومات
  • Fortunate updates – خوش قسمت تازہ ترین
  • Pleasant tidings – خوشگوار خبریں

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Badly Adverb بد طرح
Badger Verb تنگ کرنا
Badminton Noun بیڈمنٹن
Badge Noun بجلی

Origin of the Word Badnews:

The word badnews originated from the combination of the words “bad” and “news” in English. It has been in use since the late 16th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He received the badnews of his failure with disappointment. (اس نے اپنے ناکامی کی بری خبریں سے مایوسی کا سامنا کیا۔)
  2. She couldn’t bear the badnews of her friend’s accident. (وہ اپنی دوست کے حادثے کی بری خبریں برداشت نہیں کر سکی۔)
  3. They were shocked by the badnews of the company’s bankruptcy. (انہیں کمپنی کے دیوالیے کی بری خبریوں سے حیرت ہوئی۔)

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