
Artisan Meaning in Urdu: A Skillful Craftsman

Artisan, pronounced as “ahr-tuh-zuhn,” is a noun that refers to a skilled craftsman or a person who is adept at creating handmade products. In Urdu, artisan can be translated into several meanings, including:

Urdu Meanings:

  • صنعت کار (Sanat Kar) – Craftsman
  • ہاتھ سے بنانے والا (Haath Se Banane Wala) – Handmaker
  • کاریگر (Karigar) – Artificer

Synonyms of Artisan:

Some synonyms of artisan include:

  • Craftsman – صنعت کار (Sanat Kar)
  • Artificer – کاریگر (Karigar)
  • Handicraftsman – ہاتھ کار (Haath Kar)

Antonyms of Artisan:

Antonyms of artisan include:

  • Amateur – نیم حرفی (Neem Harki)
  • Novice – نوابہ (Novba)
  • Inept – بے مہارت (Be Maharat)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to artisan are:

  • Art – فن (Fun) – Noun
  • Artist – فنکار (Fankar) – Noun
  • Artistic – فنکارانہ (Fankarana) – Adjective

Origin of the Word Artisan:

The word “artisan” originated from the Latin word “artitus,” which means “skilled in arts.” It entered the English language in the 16th century and has been used to describe skilled craftsmen ever since.

Example Sentences:

  1. The artisan meticulously carved intricate designs into the wooden sculpture. (صنعت کار نے لکڑی کی مجسمے میں پیچیدہ نقشوں کو با احتیاط کھودا)
  2. The artisan’s pottery is renowned for its exquisite beauty. (صنعت کار کی مٹی کے برتنوں کی خوبصورتی کا نام ہے)
  3. She learned the art of embroidery from a skilled artisan. (وہ نے ایک ماہر صنعت کار سے کڑھائی کی فن سیکھی)

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