backward classes

Backward Classes Meaning in Urdu

Backward Classes, also known as “پچھڑے طبقے” in Urdu, refers to a social group that is economically and socially disadvantaged in comparison to the rest of society. These classes often face discrimination and lack access to resources and opportunities.

Synonyms of Backward Classes

  • متروک طبقہ (Neglected Class)
  • محروم طبقہ (Deprived Class)
  • کمزور طبقہ (Weak Class)

Backward Classes Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “Backward Classes” in Urdu is “Pichhre Tabqay”.


  • ترقی یافتہ طبقہ (Progressive Class)
  • مستحکم طبقہ (Affluent Class)
  • معیاری طبقہ (Standard Class)

Nearby Words

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Discrimination Noun تفریق
Disadvantaged Adjective محروم
Resources Noun وسائل
Opportunities Noun مواقع

Origin of the Word

The term “Backward Classes” originated in India as a way to address the social and economic disparities faced by certain groups. It gained prominence during the Indian independence movement and has since been used to advocate for the upliftment and empowerment of these marginalized communities.

Example Sentences

  • The government has implemented various schemes to uplift the backward classes. (حکومت نے پچھڑے طبقوں کی ترقی کے لئے مختلف منصوبے لاگو کئے ہیں۔)
  • Equal opportunities should be provided to all, regardless of their backward class status. (سب کو برابر مواقع فراہم کیے جانے چاہئیں، چاہے وہ پچھڑے طبقے سے تعلق رکھتے ہوں یا نہ ہوں۔)

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