
Arbiters Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Definition and Significance

Arbiters, pronounced as “ahr-bi-ters,” is a noun that refers to individuals or entities responsible for making authoritative decisions or judgments. In Urdu, arbiters can be translated as “فیصلہ کنندہ” (faisla kundah) or “منتخب کرنے والا” (muntakhib karne wala).

Synonyms of Arbiters:

  • Adjudicators: “فیصلہ کنندہ” (faisla kundah)
  • Judges: “قاضی” (qazi)
  • Referees: “حکم دینے والا” (hukam dene wala)

Antonyms of Arbiters:

  • Parties: “طرفین” (tarafain)
  • Contestants: “مقابلین” (muqabilin)
  • Disputants: “تنازع کار” (tanaza kar)

Nearby Words:

  • Arbitrary (Adjective): “مطلق العنان” (mutlaq ul-anan)
  • Arbitration (Noun): “تحکیم” (tahkeem)
  • Arbitrate (Verb): “فیصلہ کرنا” (faisla karna)

Origin of the Word Arbiters:

The word “arbiters” originated from the Latin word “arbiter,” meaning “judge” or “witness.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Examples Sentences:

  • The arbiters of the competition declared the winner. (مقابلے کے فیصلہ کنندگان نے جیتاوا کا اعلان کیا)
  • She appointed a panel of arbiters to settle the dispute. (اس نے تنازع کو حل کرنے کے لئے فیصلہ کنندگان کی پینل تشکیل دی)

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