
Ansarine Meaning in Urdu: احمقانہ

Anserine is an adjective that is pronounced as “an-suh-reen”. It is derived from the Latin word “anser” which means “goose”. In Urdu, anserine has several meanings including احمقانہ (ahmaqana) which translates to “foolish” or “silly”. Other meanings include بیوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana) meaning “stupid” and بےوقوف (bewaqoof) meaning “idiotic”.

Synonyms of Anserine:

  • Idiotic – بےوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana)
  • Foolish – احمقانہ (ahmaqana)
  • Silly – بیوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana)
  • Stupid – بیوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana)

Antonyms of Anserine:

  • Intelligent – ذہین (zahin)
  • Wise – عقلمند (aqlmand)
  • Clever – ہوشیار (hoshiyar)
  • Smart – زبردست (zabardast)

Nearby Words:

  • Antic – (noun) چالاکی (chalaaki)
  • Buffoon – (noun) بوڈھا (buddha)
  • Clownish – (adjective) بیوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana)
  • Doltish – (adjective) بیوقوفانہ (bewaqoofana)

Origin of the Word Anserine:

The word anserine comes from the Latin word “anser” which means “goose”. It is derived from the belief that geese were foolish or silly animals. Over time, the term anserine began to be used to describe people or actions that were considered foolish or lacking intelligence.

Example Sentences:

  1. He made an anserine decision by investing all his money in a scam. (وہ نے ایک احمقانہ فیصلہ کیا تھا جب اس نے اپنے پیسے کو ایک دھوکے کی سکیم میں لگا دیا۔)
  2. Don’t listen to his anserine advice, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. (اس کے بیوقوفانہ مشورے پر دھیان نہ دیں، وہ نہیں جانتا کہ وہ کیا کہ رہا ہے۔)

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