
Backwardness Meaning in Urdu: ادھر چلنا

Backwardness is a noun that refers to the state of being behind in progress or development. It can also indicate a lack of knowledge or understanding in a particular subject or field. In Urdu, backwardness is translated as “ادھر چلنا”.

Synonyms of Backwardness:

  • Ignorance – جہالت
  • Incompetence – نااہلی
  • Underdevelopment – ترقی نہ ہونا
  • Regression – پسماندگی

Backwardness Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backwardness is [bak-werd-nis].


  • Advancement – ترقی
  • Progress – ترقی
  • Development – تشکیل
  • Enlightenment – روشنی

Nearby Words:

  • Backward (Adjective) – پچھلا، پسماندہ
  • Backwardly (Adverb) – پچھواڑے سے
  • Backwardness (Noun) – ادھر چلنا
  • Backwardnesses (Plural Noun) – ادھر چلنا

Origin of the Word Backwardness:

The word backwardness originated from the Middle English word “bakwardnesse” which combines “bakward” (backwards) and “-nesse” (a suffix denoting a state or condition).

Examples Sentences:

  1. His lack of education resulted in his backwardness in the modern world. (اس کی تعلیم کی کمی نے اسے جدید دنیا میں ادھر چلنے سے روک دیا۔)
  2. The country’s economic backwardness hindered its progress. (ملک کی معاشی ادھر چلنے نے ترقی میں رکاوٹ ڈالی۔)
  3. She overcame her backwardness in mathematics by seeking extra help. (وہ اضافی مدد طلب کرکے ریاضی میں ادھر چلنے کو قابو کر لیا۔)

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