
Assuage Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Assuage, in Urdu, can be translated as “تسکین دینا” (taskin dena), “کم کرنا” (kam karna), or “شانت کرنا” (shaant karna). It is a verb that means to make something less intense or severe, to relieve or alleviate pain, distress, or worry.

Synonyms of Assuage:

  • Mitigate – کم کرنا (kam karna)
  • Pacify – پرسکون کرنا (pursukoon karna)
  • Soothe – سکونت دینا (sukoonat dena)
  • Calm – سنبھالنا (sambhalna)
  • Relieve – آرام دینا (aaram dena)

Assuage Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of assuage is [uh-sweyj].


  • Aggravate – بڑھانا (barhana)
  • Intensify – شدت بڑھانا (shiddat barhana)
  • Worsen – خراب کرنا (kharab karna)
  • Heighten – بڑھانا (barhana)
  • Exacerbate – بگاڑنا (bigaarna)

Nearby Words:

  • Assert – Verb – دعویٰ کرنا (dawa karna)
  • Assault – Noun – حملہ (hamla)
  • Assassin – Noun – قاتل (qatil)
  • Assault – Verb – حملہ کرنا (hamla karna)
  • Assemble – Verb – جمع کرنا (jama karna)

Origin of the Word Assuage:

The word “assuage” originated from the Old French word “assouagier” and the Latin word “assuaviare,” meaning to sweeten or calm. It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He tried to assuage her fears by reassuring her. (وہ اسے یقین دلانے کے لئے اسکی خوفوں کو کم کرنے کی کوشش کی۔)
  2. Drinking a warm cup of tea can assuage a sore throat. (گرم چائے پینا گلے کی خرابی کو کم کر سکتا ہے۔)
  3. The apology did little to assuage his anger. (معافی نے اس کے غصے کو کم نہیں کیا۔)

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