
Assessable Meaning in Urdu: اندازہ لگانے کے قابل

Assessable is an adjective that means “اندازہ لگانے کے قابل” in Urdu. It is derived from the word “assess,” which means to evaluate or determine the value or quality of something. Assessable is commonly used in legal and financial contexts to describe something that can be assessed or evaluated for taxation or other purposes.

Synonyms of Assessable:

  • Calculable – قابل حساب
  • Estimable – قابل تخمین
  • Appraisable – قابل تشخیص
  • Ratable – قابل قیمت

Assessable Pronunciation:

Assessable is pronounced as /uh-ses-uh-buhl/ in English.


  • Unassessable – اندازہ لگانے کے قابل نہ ہونے والا
  • Non-taxable – غیر قابل ٹیکس
  • Exempt – معافی

Nearby Words:

  • Assess – Verb – اندازہ لگانا
  • Assessment – Noun – تشخیص
  • Asset – Noun – جائداد
  • Assign – Verb – تفویض کرنا

Origin of the Word Assessable:

The word “assessable” originated from the Middle English word “assessen,” which came from the Old French word “assesser.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “assessus,” which means “to sit beside” or “to assess.”

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. The government will assessable the property for taxation purposes. (حکومت جائیداد کا اندازہ لگائے گی تاکہ ٹیکس کے مقاصد کے لئے)
  2. He received an assessable fine for violating the traffic rules. (انہوں نے ٹریفک قوانین کی خلاف ورزی کے لئے اندازہ لگانے کے قابل جرمانہ وصول کیا)
  3. The assessable value of the imported goods was determined by the customs officials. (درآمد کے اشیاء کی اندازہ لگانے کی قابل قیمت کو کسٹمز افسران نے تعین کیا)

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