
Anneal Meaning in Urdu

The pronunciation of anneal is [uh-neel].

Meanings of Anneal in Urdu:

  • تصلیب کرنا: To temper or strengthen (Urdu meaning: مضبوط کرنا)
  • گرم کر کے ٹھنڈا کرنا: To heat and then cool (Urdu meaning: گرم کر کے ٹھنڈا کرنا)
  • مضبوط بنانا: To make stronger (Urdu meaning: مضبوط بنانا)Anneal is a verb that is commonly used in the field of metallurgy. It refers to the process of heating and then cooling a material, typically metal or glass, to make it stronger or more malleable.

Synonyms of Anneal:

  • Temper: مضبوط کرنا (Urdu meaning)
  • Harden: سخت کرنا (Urdu meaning)
  • Strengthen: مضبوط بنانا (Urdu meaning)

Antonyms of Anneal:

  • Weaken: کمزور کرنا (Urdu meaning)
  • Soft: نرم (Urdu meaning)
  • Flexible: لچکدار (Urdu meaning)

Nearby Words:

  • Annex: Verb – ضم کرنا (to add or attach)
  • Annihilate: Verb – تباہ کرنا (to destroy completely)
  • Annual: Adjective – سالانہ (occurring once a year)

Origin of the Word Anneal:

The word “anneal” originated from the Old English word “onǣlan,” which means “to set on fire.” It later evolved to refer specifically to the process of heating and cooling metals or glass to alter their properties.

Examples Sentences:

  1. I will anneal the metal to make it more durable. (میں دھات کو مضبوط بنانے کے لئے گرم کر کے ٹھنڈا کروں گا۔)
  2. The glassblower annealed the vase to remove any internal stress. (گلاس بلوئر نے واس کو ٹھنڈا کر کے میں دباو کو ختم کیا۔)
  3. It is important to anneal the metal before shaping it. (شکل دینے سے پہلے دھات کو مضبوط کرنا ضروری ہے۔)

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