
Admittance Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Admittance is pronounced as “ad-mit-ns” and it is a noun. In Urdu, admittance can be translated as:

  • داخلہ (daakhla)
  • قبولیت (qabooliyat)
  • منظوری (manzoori)

Origin of the Word Admittance

The word “admittance” originated from the Middle English word “admittaunce” which came from the Old French word “admetance.” It is derived from the Latin word “admittere” which means “to admit.”

Synonyms of Admittance

Some synonyms of admittance include:

  • Entrance
  • Access
  • Admission
  • Acceptance
  • Permission

Antonyms of Admittance

Antonyms of admittance with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Exclusion – استثنا (istisna)
  • Rejection – انکار (inkar)
  • Denial – انکار (inkar)
  • Refusal – انکار (inkar)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to admittance with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Admission (noun) – داخلہ (daakhla)
  • Admit (verb) – قبول کرنا (qabool karna)
  • Admissible (adjective) – قابل قبول (qabil qabool)
  • Admittedly (adverb) – بے شک (be shak)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “admittance” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • He gained admittance to the concert. – اس نے کنسرٹ میں داخلہ حاصل کیا۔
  • Admittance to the club is restricted to members only. – کلب میں داخلہ صرف اراکین کو محدود ہے۔
  • Without a ticket, admittance will not be granted. – بغیر ٹکٹ کے داخلہ نہیں ہوگا۔

For more information about the word “admittance,” you can visit the following websites:

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