ant heap

Ant Heap Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

An ant heap, also known as an anthill, is a mound of earth created by ants as they build their nests. In Urdu, ant heap is pronounced as “chunti ka dher” (چیونٹی کا ڈھیر) or “chunti ka teela” (چیونٹی کا ٹیلا).

Meanings of Ant Heap in Urdu:

  • Chunti ka dher: چیونٹی کا ڈھیر
  • Chunti ka teela: چیونٹی کا ٹیلا

Synonyms of Ant Heap:

Some synonyms of ant heap include:

  • Anthill
  • Formicary
  • Ant mound

Antonyms of Ant Heap:

Antonyms of ant heap include:

  • Flat ground – “Seedha zameen” (سیدھا زمین)
  • Smooth surface – “Hamwar satah” (ہموار سطح)

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to ant heap:

  • Noun: Ant, Antacid, Antagonism, Antagonist
  • Verb: Anticipate, Antedate, Antevert, Anticipate
  • Adjective: Anterior, Antediluvian, Anteriorly, Antenuptial

Origin of the Word Ant Heap:

The word “ant heap” originated from the combination of “ant” and “heap.” It refers to the mound of earth created by ants as they construct their nests.

Example Sentences:

  1. The children observed the busy ants constructing an ant heap. (بچے مصروف چیونٹیوں کے ڈھیر بناتے ہوئے نظر آئے۔)
  2. The ant heap in the garden was a fascinating sight. (باغ میں چیونٹیوں کا ٹیلا دیکھنے والا دلچسپ منظر تھا۔)

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