
Accoutrement Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Accoutrement is pronounced as uh-koo-ter-muhnt. In Urdu, it is known as “سازوسامان” (saz-o-saman) or “زیور” (ziwar).

Origin of the Word Accoutrement

The word “accoutrement” originated from the French word “accoutrement” which means “equipment” or “trappings.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Accoutrement

Some synonyms of accoutrement include:

  • Gear – “سازوسامان” (saz-o-saman)
  • Apparatus – “آلات” (aalaat)
  • Equipment – “سامان” (samaan)
  • Paraphernalia – “سازوسامان” (saz-o-saman)

Antonyms of Accoutrement

Some antonyms of accoutrement include:

  • Bareness – “ننگا پن” (nanga pan)
  • Deprivation – “محرومیت” (mehroomiyat)
  • Lack – “کمی” (kami)
  • Scarcity – “قلت” (qillat)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to accoutrement are:

  • Accouter – Verb – “تیار کرنا” (tayyar karna)
  • Accouterment – Noun – “سازوسامان” (saz-o-saman)
  • Accouche – Verb – “بچے کی پیدائش کرنا” (bachay ki paidaish karna)
  • Accoucheur – Noun – “دایا” (daya)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “accoutrement” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • He carried a backpack as his accoutrement for the hiking trip. – وہ ہائکنگ کے سفر کے لئے ایک بیک پیک لے کر چلا گیا۔
  • The soldier’s accoutrements included a rifle, helmet, and combat boots. – سپاہی کے سازوسامان میں بندوق، ہیلمیٹ اور جنگی بوٹ شامل تھے۔
  • She adorned herself with various accoutrements for the party. – وہ تقریب کے لئے مختلف زیورات سے سجا کر رہ گئی۔

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