
Assiduities Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Assiduities, known as “مستقل محنت” in Urdu, has multiple meanings depending on the context. Some of the meanings include:

  1. مستقل محنت: Diligent and persistent efforts towards a task or goal.
  2. مستقل توجہ: Continuous attention and focus on a particular matter.
  3. مستقل تحقیق: Consistent and thorough research or investigation.

Synonyms of Assiduities

Some synonyms of assiduities in Urdu are:

  • مستقل محنت
  • مستقل توجہ
  • مستقل تحقیق

Assiduities Pronunciation

The pronunciation of assiduities is [uh-sij-oo-i-teez] in English.


Antonyms of assiduities in Urdu include:

  • بے پرواہی: Negligence or carelessness.
  • بے دلی: Indifference or apathy.
  • بے پرواہی: Inattentiveness or disregard.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to assiduities with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Assiduous (Adjective): مستقل محنتی
  • Assiduously (Adverb): مستقل محنت سے
  • Assiduousness (Noun): مستقل محنت

Origin of the Word Assiduities

The word “assiduities” originated from the Latin word “assiduitās” which means “diligence” or “constancy”. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He achieved success through his assiduities. (وہ اپنی مستقل محنتوں کے ذریعے کامیابی حاصل کرتا رہا۔)
  2. She showed assiduities in her studies. (وہ اپنی پڑھائی میں مستقل محنت دکھاتی رہی۔)
  3. His assiduousness in research led to groundbreaking discoveries. (ان کی تحقیق میں مستقل محنت نے نئی روشنیاں چمکائیں۔)

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