
Addenda Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Pronunciation: uh-den-duh

Meaning in Urdu: اضافیہ، اضافی حصے

Urdu Meanings:

  1. اضافی حصے
  2. اضافیہ
  3. اضافیں

Origin of the Word Addenda

The word “addenda” is derived from the Latin word “addendum,” which means “something added.” It is the plural form of “addendum.” The term is commonly used in English to refer to additional information or items that are added to a document, book, or other written material.

Synonyms of Addenda

1. Appendices

2. Supplements

3. Attachments

4. Annexes


1. Subtract (Urdu: منہائی کریں)

2. Remove (Urdu: ہٹا دیں)

3. Exclude (Urdu: خارج کریں)

Nearby Words

1. Add (Verb, Urdu: شامل کریں)

2. Addition (Noun, Urdu: اضافہ)

3. Addict (Noun, Urdu: لت)

4. Address (Noun, Urdu: پتہ)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. Please make sure to include the addenda at the end of the report. (Urdu: براہ کرم رپورٹ کے آخر میں اضافیہ شامل کریں۔)

2. The addenda provide additional context to the main argument. (Urdu: اضافیہ مرکزی تجزیے کو مزید سمجھنے کا مواد فراہم کرتے ہیں۔)

3. The book includes several addenda, such as maps and charts. (Urdu: کتاب میں کئی اضافی حصے شامل ہیں، جیسے نقشے اور چارٹس۔)

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