
Apologia Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Definition and Usage

Apologia is a noun that is pronounced as “ap-uh-loh-jee-uh.” It has its roots in the Greek language, where it means “a defense or justification of one’s beliefs or actions.” In Urdu, apologia can be translated into several meanings, including:

Meanings of Apologia in Urdu:

  • معذرت (ma’azrat) – Apology
  • توجیح (tawjeeh) – Justification
  • دفاع (dafaa) – Defense

Synonyms of Apologia:

Some synonyms of apologia include:

  • Explanation – تشریح (tashreeh)
  • Excuse – عذر (uzr)
  • Rationale – منطقی وجہ (muntaqi wajah)

Antonyms of Apologia:

On the other hand, antonyms of apologia can be:

  • Accusation – الزام (ilzaam)
  • Blame – الزام (ilzaam)
  • Criticism – تنقید (tanqeed)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to apologia are:

  • Apologize (verb) – معذرت کرنا (ma’azrat karna)
  • Apologist (noun) – دفاع کار (dafaa kar)
  • Apology (noun) – معذرت (ma’azrat)

Origin of the Word Apologia:

The word apologia originated from the Greek word “apologia,” which means “a speech in defense.” It was first used in English in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences that demonstrate the usage of apologia:

  1. He delivered a powerful apologia for his controversial actions. (وہ اپنے متنازعہ اعمال کی توانائی بھری دفاع کرتا رہا۔)
  2. She offered a sincere apologia for her mistake. (اس نے اپنی غلطی کے لئے ایک خلصہ دل سے معذرت کی۔)

If you want to explore more about apologia, you can refer to the following resources: